Exclusive Travel Support

Aside to financial support the most necessary guidance required for the students is to plan their travel exclusively. Mudra extends its exclusive support to its students till they reach their destinations safely. Making travel arrangements including guiding from Medial Insurance, Forex exchange, Forex card support, international banking guidance, travel insurance requirements, ticketing and pick up services at the foreign nation etc. Students can trust Mudra from application till they reach their goals in every possible way mudra will be with you till the end.

As you're travelling there to study and not for a vacation, there are obviously many things you need to think about before you depart for a new nation. In addition, you'll be staying alone away from home and your parents are most worried about the same. So, Mudra in association with its partners supports you to provide you proper travel assistance. Mudra provides all the information before hand for you to take care during your travel preparation.

For students looking for information and suggestions on studying abroad, we have put together a helpful resource. Our information centre might help students who want to learn more about studying abroad and how to get the most out of their time abroad. Mura strongly believes that these information give direction, advice, and assistance.

Checklist for Study Abroad

  • Prepare all the required paperwork
  • Valid passport
  • Visas (if applicable)
  • Permissions for residence (when applicable)
  • Insurance for travel
  • Complete medical examinations
  • General examinations
  • Vaccinations
  • Prescriptions
  • Look up the travel advisories and customs rules for the nation
  • Prohibited products
  • Safety precautions
  • Make a strategy for emergencies
  • Getting your international ticket
  • Making travel arrangements to and from the airport
  • Forex support
  • Study money management
  • Obtainng student discounts

Pre-Departure Instructions

Living abroad may be wonderful and difficult at the same time. Mudra along with its assoicates facilitates the entry of students by organising a pre-departure guidance session to ensure that you are aware and ready before you move overseas or to come to India for foreign nationals. It gives the students a glimpse into the numerous parts of student life that they will experience while studying abroad. Imagine how it would feel to have to travel abroad and to do so alone for years. Even leaving your home for a few days can be difficult. Mudra aside to support you in financial funding feels it is its responsibility to ensure your safe departure. We are very sensitive to the worry of both parents and students, and we take steps to ensure that pupils have a safe and comfortable voyage. Mudra will provide all relevant information as well discuss travel help, and don't simply mean the support or guidance in purchase of airline tickets from one country to another or to a certain destination; we also refer to transportation from the airport to the residence hall or other accommodation on the campus of the institution at the very best that we can extend.

Mudra ensures every possible effort to guarantee that a student's transition from their home nation to the chosen foreign country is as smooth as possible. We offer them travel advice and help with any airline reservations. This priceless service is offered without charge.